Contact details:
Tracy White
Originator of the Body Balance Activation Technique (BBA)
The Energy Centre, KZN, South Africa
+27 (0)31 7674926
+27 (0)82 668 4163
The Different Levels...
The different levels of BBA allows the facilitator to access different levels of healing.
Level I:
The first level clears out unconscious impressions which may be in the form of trauma, or memory relating to an event in the persons life that no longer serves them. This creates space for healing to take place often having a profound effect. This is a very clear and uncomplicated level of healing where the body receives simple instructions to help it to re-align itself back into a balanced state.
Level II:
This level deals with patterns of emotional or thought energy that we have entrenched into our subconscious, that it - it is reactional. These patterns often play themselves out in our daily lives creating issues that we are aware of, but don't understand how it 'always happens to me!' These patterns can perpetuate cycles of chaos and despair that we feel we have no control over. This level helps the body to clear patterns of energy that relate to the persons health, and those that they project into their reality.
Level III:
This level helps the person to connect underlying issues with their consciousness, and to heal them. Healing in this case is not the removal of a thing, rather making peace with it and integrating it into the whole. This releases resistance that stands between our now and our vision of who we want to be. On this level we work with the resonance of word combinations to create new patterns of energy that support and balance the individual, helping them to align with their higher consciousness.
Level IV:
Level I:
The first level clears out unconscious impressions which may be in the form of trauma, or memory relating to an event in the persons life that no longer serves them. This creates space for healing to take place often having a profound effect. This is a very clear and uncomplicated level of healing where the body receives simple instructions to help it to re-align itself back into a balanced state.
Level II:
This level deals with patterns of emotional or thought energy that we have entrenched into our subconscious, that it - it is reactional. These patterns often play themselves out in our daily lives creating issues that we are aware of, but don't understand how it 'always happens to me!' These patterns can perpetuate cycles of chaos and despair that we feel we have no control over. This level helps the body to clear patterns of energy that relate to the persons health, and those that they project into their reality.
Level III:
This level helps the person to connect underlying issues with their consciousness, and to heal them. Healing in this case is not the removal of a thing, rather making peace with it and integrating it into the whole. This releases resistance that stands between our now and our vision of who we want to be. On this level we work with the resonance of word combinations to create new patterns of energy that support and balance the individual, helping them to align with their higher consciousness.
Level IV:
The first 3 levels are carried out on the bed. They are all hands on healing sessions aimed at a slightly higher level than the last. The 4th level is a tool, 72 Keys that unlock blockages on the level of consciousness. This takes about 5 minutes and can be worked with before and after any of the BBA sessions.
Level V:
This is a meditation program, simply designed to connect with source energy, still the mind and find peace. On this level the facilitator assists their client's with the ultimate goal. Becoming one with all that is and experiencing their soul self.
And finally...
I feel that all these levels are building blocks and follow a natural progression to an integrated healing process. I also feel strongly that this is a preparation for the shift in consciousness that we are building toward in 2012. Our lives are our own responsability. It is up to us now.
"I was diagnosed with a grapefruit-sized benign uterine fibroid tumour. I believe I grew it with 12 months of drowning in rage, hurt and resentment. My doctor decided to treat me with a 12-week dose hormone implant to cut off the blood supply to the fibroid, and then to schedule surgery to remove it.
I scheduled once a week Body Balance Activation sessions with Allan Karsten for the 12 weeks. At each session the same problem areas kept coming up. Allan told me about Louise Hay’s books that link problem areas with emotional problems. My problem areas of heart, lungs, intestine, bladder and head were linked to fear of letting go and emotional wounds that were not allowed to heal. Louise Hay blames fibroids on nursing old hurts. So the solution to my problems became obvious. I had to let go of the past.
To help me, Allan gave me a smoky quartz to carry with me, as it:
1. Treats tumours
2. Forms a barrier against negative energy
3. Deals with anger and resentment
4. Dissolves emotional and mental blockages
He advised me to work on staying positive, using mood lifting music, photos and activities. He gave me affirmations to use, and recommended that I avoid wearing red and green for the duration of my treatment.
My 12 BBA sessions left me calmer, happier, buzzing with energy and in charge of my emotions, my mind and my life. The cherry on top was that at my pre-op check up, my fibroid had shrunk to 50% of its original size. My surgery was successful and I am on the road to recovery. My life gets better and better everyday."
SN June/July 2009
SN June/July 2009
15 July 2009
To whom it may concern,
I am going to attempt to put in words what amazing changes have happened to me both physically and spiritually during the course of the last two months, while having weekly Body Balance Activation sessions by Sandy McNeil.
To whom it may concern,
I am going to attempt to put in words what amazing changes have happened to me both physically and spiritually during the course of the last two months, while having weekly Body Balance Activation sessions by Sandy McNeil.
My original problem was intense and almost constant lower back pain and the associated sciatic nerve problems in my left leg. I have previously had an MRI scan done on my lower back and this showed bad disintegration of three vertebrae and a certain amount of nerve pinching because of the disintegration. I was informed that surgery was the only option to remedy the problem. My symptoms were numbness of the left foot and part of my left leg every morning, pins and needles for about an hour until I had “warmed up”. I would wake up every night with pain in my lower back and had lived on pain medication of various types for many years. I had become very despondent and the option of surgery held no appeal for me.
At the first session Sandy explained to me what and how she would be doing the session and she also enquired about and noted my medical history, my emotional state and any other comments I had. We began with the cards and continued with the session. At this stage it was very difficult and painfull for me to even lay on the table, Sandy made sure I was as comfortable as possible-even getting extra pillows to put under my knees. I relaxed as much as I could and was intrigued with the whole procedure, the request of permission to do work, connecting with me, the releasing of energy, the re-energising and the balancing of various chakras. I felt incredibly at peace throughout the session, and was so relaxed at the end that it took me a while to get my bearings and get off the table. Sandy then asked for feedback and told me of her own thoughts, and insightful suggestions of what I could do to help my situation.
Over the course of the next five or six sessions, I began to feel a change in the degree of pain in my back as well as a renewed sense of self. I definitely felt connected to what was being done during the sessions, at various stages experiencing waves of warmth, goose-bump inducing, top to toe, spiritual ‘washing’, as well as an appreciation of the greater work being done ie: on the auric levels.
Now, seven or so weeks later my situation is completely different. I no longer wake up in the early hours of every morning, I no longer wake up with numbness and pins and needles in my leg and foot, and I have a different approach to life generally, an awareness and self belief that I did not have before. I am so grateful for the physical relief, as this was all I was trying to resolve when the sessions first started, but I have gained so much more than that, a new determination and resolve within my life.
I am unable to thank Sandy enough for everything she has done, she has at all times been professional without forgoing a fantastic personal touch, and a warmth and genuine concern for my wellbeing.
Yours sincerely
Guy Gibbs
During the MANY YEARS that I have known Tracy I have referred many of my own clients to her. Virtually without exception, all have reported wonderful results, and many continue to seek out her healing sessions and workshops. Tracy has been a wonderful gift for me, she has changed my life profoundly. My experience with her has involved both healing sessions and private workshops in which she taught me the theory and method of Body Balance Activation. I have found Body Balance Activation to be transformative in all areas of one’s life. The method is easily learned. I felt it was well organized, alternating learning with practice sessions. Each session brought something new to me. Tracy is a gifted teacher and exhibits the rare quality of both professionalism and knowledge, combined with compassion and deep empathy. I believe every person on the planet should do this life changing remarkable workshop. I highly recommend any interaction with Tracy White whether in a healing session or Body Balance Activation workshop. “I know it will change your life forever” ." Rev Sharyn Ann McNeil (CHTP) tel 031-7656046
Rob is a client who was involved in a bad car accident where his left arm was shattered. He has had major surgery to replace most of the arm with a prosthetic upper arm, forearm and elbow joint. Our intention during his session was to restore full function and speed up the healing process.This is the e-mail I recieved after thanking him for forwarding my advert to another practitioner that he knew in JHB.
"Good Morning Tracy,
You are most welcome and I wish you all the success in the world. What you do is not only unique and powerful it clearly works.
You are most welcome and I wish you all the success in the world. What you do is not only unique and powerful it clearly works.
The improvement almost right after my last treatment with you,my continued progress to my surgeons amazement is a very clear indication that more facilitators need to learn to master your skills.
Rob Knowles"
Hello Tracy,
Thanks you for the BBA session yesterday...
I wasnt sure how it was going to work but I felt so relaxed and calm for the whole of the day....
I even ran my best time at Time Trial last night..I usually start off running and then my hip hurts and my leg goes numb and I have to walk and then run a bit and walk a bit....and I battle to breathe big time.....but not last night I ran so well the whole way, happy as a lark, with plenty air in my lungs!
I also managed to stay up and watch TV and slept all night without the 'green goblin's stinking thinking'...
Today I have avoided confrontation at home with ease. I think I know peace today...
I have thanked Donna for this experience and I hope to come back and see you one day again.
Keep well,
Love Lil
Thanks you for the BBA session yesterday...
I wasnt sure how it was going to work but I felt so relaxed and calm for the whole of the day....
I even ran my best time at Time Trial last night..I usually start off running and then my hip hurts and my leg goes numb and I have to walk and then run a bit and walk a bit....and I battle to breathe big time.....but not last night I ran so well the whole way, happy as a lark, with plenty air in my lungs!
I also managed to stay up and watch TV and slept all night without the 'green goblin's stinking thinking'...
Today I have avoided confrontation at home with ease. I think I know peace today...
I have thanked Donna for this experience and I hope to come back and see you one day again.
Keep well,
Love Lil
"I had pains in my ovaries etc over a 3 month period, they were getting worse and worse so I went to the gynae who gave me a scan on 27th February 2008. He diagnosed that I had PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome). He told me that with medication and a change in diet, I could get rid of them within 6 months to a year or alternatively with a change in diet alone in about 12-18 months. On the 28th February I went to see Tracy for the Body Balancing Activation technique. During the session it came up that there was a problem with my reproductive system, which then reminded me to tell her what the gynae had said the day before. After the first treatment initially I felt a release of pressure, and the very next day the pain had gone completely. Never to return. I believed that the cysts had gone. I booked another gynae appointment on 28th March 2008 to have another scan to see if they had in fact gone. And amazingly they had !!!"
Nina Elliot (March 2008)
Nina Elliot (March 2008)
"I was diagnosed through an ultrasound to have multiple cysts in my breasts, too small to operate on. However, the medication prescribed simply did nothing for me and I found myself living on pain medication for several months. My quality of life deteriorated drastically as the cysts infected my lymph nodes and left me feeling completely exhausted and extremely ill. I was unable to do simple tasks such as sweeping or mopping my floors as the pain that followed was unbearable. I contacted Tracy in desperation, and so began with the Body Balance Activation Technique. After the second session, the results were spectacular! Much to my delight and relief, the pain almost completely disappeared, and after each further session, the swelling went down and the pain disappeared. I am so grateful to be “feeling myself” again, with an endless amount of energy and a zest for life again. The BBA Technique has not only cured my physical symptoms, but has also given me the gift of being able to cope with my emotions.
I have found Tracy to be a wonderfully caring and understanding person, with an extensive knowledge of both the human body and energy. I cannot thank her enough for giving my life back to me again, and would certainly urge anyone seeking relief of any kind to consider Body Balance Activation Technique."
Tracey Webster -(June 2008)
"I was diagnosed through an ultrasound to have multiple cysts in my breasts, too small to operate on. However, the medication prescribed simply did nothing for me and I found myself living on pain medication for several months. My quality of life deteriorated drastically as the cysts infected my lymph nodes and left me feeling completely exhausted and extremely ill. I was unable to do simple tasks such as sweeping or mopping my floors as the pain that followed was unbearable. I contacted Tracy in desperation, and so began with the Body Balance Activation Technique. After the second session, the results were spectacular! Much to my delight and relief, the pain almost completely disappeared, and after each further session, the swelling went down and the pain disappeared. I am so grateful to be “feeling myself” again, with an endless amount of energy and a zest for life again. The BBA Technique has not only cured my physical symptoms, but has also given me the gift of being able to cope with my emotions.
I have found Tracy to be a wonderfully caring and understanding person, with an extensive knowledge of both the human body and energy. I cannot thank her enough for giving my life back to me again, and would certainly urge anyone seeking relief of any kind to consider Body Balance Activation Technique."
Tracey Webster -(June 2008)
“As a health care professional I have over the last ten years been involved with various alternative and healing modalities. I applaud Tracy White’s courage, endurance, long hours of research and commitment to Body Balance Activation Technique, a groundbreaking modality that is going to bring about a paradigm shift to the future of all alternative healing therapies. The system is innately configured to align the infinite body wisdom through navigating and unlocking internal metabolic body pathways on a quantum subatomic level, vibrationally aligning the atoms, molecules, cells, tissues and internal structure all the way back to DNA level ,thereby facilitating a five layered quantum leap healing process that brings about profound physiological, emotional, mental and spiritual transformations. It is my belief that her research and dedication has birthed a significant, new transformational therapy that is going to truly make an enormous difference to our world. A new dawn of healing is upon us."
Rev. Sharyn Ann McNeil CHTP.
About the Artist
The original artwork for my logo was done by well known artist, Gretha Quinlan. Gretha is an intuitive, who originated 'Collage Access', which is a process to access information held in the subconscious mind for the purpose of healing. Please contact her by e-mail:
Rev. Sharyn Mc Neil CHTP

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