The Limited Being

12 May 2015

“You are beings with self imposed limits. You limit yourselves with illness, time, money, age, education, religion, social standing, geographical location, and more,  all of which are manifestations of your time space reality. These things do not exist in your source. They are all human made. Yet only the laws of the Universe are real. They confine and free the the soul essence at the same time. They provide a structure and a scaffold for the being to trust and rely on. They provide both freedom and a safety net. You could travel around the world without a cent in your pocket if you believed you could. You could heal from the most ravaging of diseases if you believed you could. You could learn something profound and earn a university degree, regardless of your age, if you believed you could.

You have a belief that you have to rely only on the resources that you have at the moment, and you measure your future on what you have available to you in your now. There is a fear of not having enough, all based on limited projections. Health, time, money are all energy. And energy is flowing all of the time. You cannot stop it anymore than you can stop the waves from crashing onto the shores. Nature shows you many examples of perpetual motion, and abundance…. If you are limiting yourselves then you are not applying these messages.

Everything in the universe is vibration. You have heard this before. Abraham is prolific with this message. Everything is in constant motion. Even when you are being still, your thoughts which are vibration, are moving, the grass is growing, the wind is blowing, your blood is pumping… so nothing is ever still.

Abraham also talks about the law of attraction. We are going to spin it a bit for you… We have talked about separation, that you believe you are separate, and you only have a relationship with anything because you believe you are separate from it.  It is through separation that you come to know yourselves. So lets weave these things together for you a bit. Abraham says that when you ask for something, vibrationally it is manifested instantly and waits in your vibrational escrow for you to match it so it can become your reality. We agree with this, but we would like to fiddle with that a bit…. When you ask for something, no matter what it is, you and the whole of your energy becomes it, it is within you and in your stream, and in your mind and your energy, and it surrounds you completely. Only when you are ready to let it go, to release it so that it can have a separate identity, can you see it in relation to yourself. Then you will experience it in your reality…. The emotional fuel that you feed your creation in the moments that you let it go will affect the outcome. We strongly advise that you release it with joy and empowerment.

Apart from the limits you place on yourselves, there is one other that is the most limiting because you have no control over it. You also limit yourselves by placing value on the opinions of others. Most do not want you to be happy and successful. It only amplifies their discomfort. So they will speak limiting words to you. These words undermine your self value and self confidence. They forget that they have access to the same energy as you do. If you believe them it will take a lot more energy than is necessary to undo the damage.  

You are at the pointy end of an infinite stream of energy that is solely focused on you. It is abundant and limitless. It becomes whatever you ask for and then splits off from you so you can experience the manifestation of it in your physical reality. It is you, and you are doing every bit of it. You are powerful abundant creators without limits in a physical playground created by you for you, and you are telling yourselves that you can’t do the things that you really want to do, and that you came here to do,  because you don’t have enough of something?

From where we stand, it makes no sense at all.”