Real Healing...

11th May 2015

“Who are you without your crutches (Illness, conditions, victimhood)? What would you talk about? What would you worry about? If you were completely healed from all your conditions, what would you choose for yourself? Could you imagine the rest of your life without the need to struggle?

The healing experience that we are referring to is complete. What we offer is a connection to your source and the potential to heal anything as completely as if it never happened, so that it is no longer in your DNA, so that your cells have no memory of it, and so that your consciousness no longer experiences it - from this point on. Complete. But the questions that we have asked you are entirely valid for your healing to remain. You have free will, and you have taken many years and integrated many incorrect beliefs to come to this juncture in your lives. Although the experiences that you have endured may not feel like any choice you would have made for yourself, they were all choices of experience. So you can see that what we are offering is not for everyone. Some beings want to continue to live a life of struggle.

There are many who remember that they are more than all this (their lives), and long for the full experience of connection. With this powerful connection and remembrance of who you are, comes healing. When you connect with your essence, which is pure love and joy, the feelings of struggle fall away. Your body resets back to its optimum connection of well-being and health, and you have an opportunity to re-write your lives.

It is only an opportunity, and you have the choice to take back your crutches, if you feel safer with them as they are. Your connection and level of healing will depend on your faith and belief. How strong is your belief that your creative source of well being, your God connection is more powerful than that which is your physical reality in your now time?

Belief and faith are very similar, and yet their energies are different. Belief is what happens when your experiences prove time and again what is true for you, in your reality. It had set boundaries and is finite. It is newtonian. Faith, on the other hand, is boundless and infinite, and believes in potential. It is quantum. It believes implicitly in what cannot be proven, and it is then experienced as real.

We feel your discomfort with promising healing, especially with some who have chosen conditions like cancer, or worse. We are offering a connection to their stream of well-being, and a resetting of their physical coding. That may result in a complete healing, or it may result in an improvement in their symptoms, or it may feel like a drop in the ocean to them. What we are offering is a connection. And it is simply an offering. It is a potential, and it is completely dependant on their free will. Some beings may experience a complete connection and continue to chose to end their physical life experience. Yet their joy at feeling connected to their home will be invaluable.

We Also feel your question around choice of experience and karma. Your question is - “If someone has chosen an experience in this lifetime, and if we heal it completely so that it is like it never happened, how does that affect their lessons?” And we would like you to feel the answer….

Lessons can be learned through an initial experience with whatever painful outcome is necessary and relevant, and then the information is written into your Akash for review later. The pain and suffering that you create for yourselves from that point on is unnecessary and irrelevant. You will not learn another thing from that experience. All further suffering is self punishment. It doesn’t come from a place of growth and self discovery. It comes from a place of self loathing and lack of self value. These negative qualities do not serve you in fulfilling your chosen potential. They only serve you in your suffering.

At this critical time in our evolution, which do you think is of more importance? To stay locked in the suffering of learning your lessons, or your fulfillment of your chosen potential?

We think so too...”