Real Healing...

11th May 2015

“Who are you without your crutches (Illness, conditions, victimhood)? What would you talk about? What would you worry about? If you were completely healed from all your conditions, what would you choose for yourself? Could you imagine the rest of your life without the need to struggle?

The healing experience that we are referring to is complete. What we offer is a connection to your source and the potential to heal anything as completely as if it never happened, so that it is no longer in your DNA, so that your cells have no memory of it, and so that your consciousness no longer experiences it - from this point on. Complete. But the questions that we have asked you are entirely valid for your healing to remain. You have free will, and you have taken many years and integrated many incorrect beliefs to come to this juncture in your lives. Although the experiences that you have endured may not feel like any choice you would have made for yourself, they were all choices of experience. So you can see that what we are offering is not for everyone. Some beings want to continue to live a life of struggle.

There are many who remember that they are more than all this (their lives), and long for the full experience of connection. With this powerful connection and remembrance of who you are, comes healing. When you connect with your essence, which is pure love and joy, the feelings of struggle fall away. Your body resets back to its optimum connection of well-being and health, and you have an opportunity to re-write your lives.

It is only an opportunity, and you have the choice to take back your crutches, if you feel safer with them as they are. Your connection and level of healing will depend on your faith and belief. How strong is your belief that your creative source of well being, your God connection is more powerful than that which is your physical reality in your now time?

Belief and faith are very similar, and yet their energies are different. Belief is what happens when your experiences prove time and again what is true for you, in your reality. It had set boundaries and is finite. It is newtonian. Faith, on the other hand, is boundless and infinite, and believes in potential. It is quantum. It believes implicitly in what cannot be proven, and it is then experienced as real.

We feel your discomfort with promising healing, especially with some who have chosen conditions like cancer, or worse. We are offering a connection to their stream of well-being, and a resetting of their physical coding. That may result in a complete healing, or it may result in an improvement in their symptoms, or it may feel like a drop in the ocean to them. What we are offering is a connection. And it is simply an offering. It is a potential, and it is completely dependant on their free will. Some beings may experience a complete connection and continue to chose to end their physical life experience. Yet their joy at feeling connected to their home will be invaluable.

We Also feel your question around choice of experience and karma. Your question is - “If someone has chosen an experience in this lifetime, and if we heal it completely so that it is like it never happened, how does that affect their lessons?” And we would like you to feel the answer….

Lessons can be learned through an initial experience with whatever painful outcome is necessary and relevant, and then the information is written into your Akash for review later. The pain and suffering that you create for yourselves from that point on is unnecessary and irrelevant. You will not learn another thing from that experience. All further suffering is self punishment. It doesn’t come from a place of growth and self discovery. It comes from a place of self loathing and lack of self value. These negative qualities do not serve you in fulfilling your chosen potential. They only serve you in your suffering.

At this critical time in our evolution, which do you think is of more importance? To stay locked in the suffering of learning your lessons, or your fulfillment of your chosen potential?

We think so too...”

The Limited Being

12 May 2015

“You are beings with self imposed limits. You limit yourselves with illness, time, money, age, education, religion, social standing, geographical location, and more,  all of which are manifestations of your time space reality. These things do not exist in your source. They are all human made. Yet only the laws of the Universe are real. They confine and free the the soul essence at the same time. They provide a structure and a scaffold for the being to trust and rely on. They provide both freedom and a safety net. You could travel around the world without a cent in your pocket if you believed you could. You could heal from the most ravaging of diseases if you believed you could. You could learn something profound and earn a university degree, regardless of your age, if you believed you could.

You have a belief that you have to rely only on the resources that you have at the moment, and you measure your future on what you have available to you in your now. There is a fear of not having enough, all based on limited projections. Health, time, money are all energy. And energy is flowing all of the time. You cannot stop it anymore than you can stop the waves from crashing onto the shores. Nature shows you many examples of perpetual motion, and abundance…. If you are limiting yourselves then you are not applying these messages.

Everything in the universe is vibration. You have heard this before. Abraham is prolific with this message. Everything is in constant motion. Even when you are being still, your thoughts which are vibration, are moving, the grass is growing, the wind is blowing, your blood is pumping… so nothing is ever still.

Abraham also talks about the law of attraction. We are going to spin it a bit for you… We have talked about separation, that you believe you are separate, and you only have a relationship with anything because you believe you are separate from it.  It is through separation that you come to know yourselves. So lets weave these things together for you a bit. Abraham says that when you ask for something, vibrationally it is manifested instantly and waits in your vibrational escrow for you to match it so it can become your reality. We agree with this, but we would like to fiddle with that a bit…. When you ask for something, no matter what it is, you and the whole of your energy becomes it, it is within you and in your stream, and in your mind and your energy, and it surrounds you completely. Only when you are ready to let it go, to release it so that it can have a separate identity, can you see it in relation to yourself. Then you will experience it in your reality…. The emotional fuel that you feed your creation in the moments that you let it go will affect the outcome. We strongly advise that you release it with joy and empowerment.

Apart from the limits you place on yourselves, there is one other that is the most limiting because you have no control over it. You also limit yourselves by placing value on the opinions of others. Most do not want you to be happy and successful. It only amplifies their discomfort. So they will speak limiting words to you. These words undermine your self value and self confidence. They forget that they have access to the same energy as you do. If you believe them it will take a lot more energy than is necessary to undo the damage.  

You are at the pointy end of an infinite stream of energy that is solely focused on you. It is abundant and limitless. It becomes whatever you ask for and then splits off from you so you can experience the manifestation of it in your physical reality. It is you, and you are doing every bit of it. You are powerful abundant creators without limits in a physical playground created by you for you, and you are telling yourselves that you can’t do the things that you really want to do, and that you came here to do,  because you don’t have enough of something?

From where we stand, it makes no sense at all.”  

Connection / disconnection

15th May 2015

"Everything is about only one subject - connection, and its polarity - disconnection.

Every human condition we have ever seen is because you are disconnected and feel lost. From being lost, you develop thought patterns of limitation and not enough - from material possessions and money to self value.  

At the beginning of your physical journey, you were born in unconditional love, fully connected and knowing who you are. You would smile and connect with everyone. You would even smile at the dirty homeless guy because you could see the potential in him. Other beings through their feelings of loss and disconnection taught you about danger. The more you recognized their fear and heard their stories, you began to feel it too, and your journey away from yourself began.

It is really simple to find your connection again, and it is really easy to stay there. First you have to remember how it feels, and then you have to choose to experience it every day, and then for every moment in every day… But the part that you find so difficult, is integrating others into the equation. It seems as if they just make you lose it!  The thing to remember is that others are not your work. You are your work. If others ‘make’ you lose it, its because you have agreed with their message, and it amplifies their disconnection and then you become disconnected too..

It is important to listen to another through your connection, not through your disconnection. If you remain in your connection whilst listening to even the most scary story, you will be able to recognise that it is the experience of the other in their disconnection, and although you can be gentle with them, it won’t spit you out of your connection.

You had a revelation about people not knowing what they want. It was that people DO know what they want but don’t believe they deserve it. Through their  ‘lostness’ they are living the life they believe they deserve. If that is you, how does that feel? Do you deserve more? Of course you do. You deserve all the good things that you could ever ask for! Whether they are physical things, and emotional way of being, a health condition - you get to ask and decide.

Why do you think that you came here to only learn lessons of suffering? What about the good stuff? If someone invited you to disneyworld and then said that you can’t go on any of the rides, and even worse than that, that someone is going to punch you in the gut every time you wish that you could? Would you still go? The truth is that you are meant to go on all the rides. You are meant to feel the exhilaration and the joy at the speed of the flow, and you are meant to encourage others to join you in this feeling of connection.   

Every time you say - it’s not easy out there, or it’s hard, or times are tough, or it’s not like it used to be... you are imposing limits on yourself and what you believe is possible for you. It IS better than it used to be! They burned witches at the stake in the old days! There wasn’t the technology then that there is now.... Energy is moving faster and when it feels ‘hard’ to you it is because you are finding it difficult to keep up. It felt exactly the same in the old days. You have just forgotten that. And it’s only difficult to keep up when you are disconnected. It is an exciting ride from your place of connection."

Defining Spirituality

22nd May 2015

Defining spirituality.

How does one define spirituality? How can you see if someone is spiritual or not? What makes a person spiritual?

Seemingly difficult questions.

Spirituality has been used loosely to mean many things. There is no single, widely-agreed definition for the concept, and the term may be applied to a wide variety of practices. (

But what you are asking is about the state of a person's evolution, even the purity of their soul.

That kind of spirituality cannot be measured by any of your physical machines because it does not have a physical dimension. It is intangible to the physical, but pervades everything. You cannot measure it by whether a person is vegetarian, humanitarian, or by any of the behaviour they display. It makes no difference to how much they have read, and what they have knowledge of, or whether they are a nice person. Wealth or poverty, it makes no difference. How much someone gives or takes. Whether they meditate everyday or whether they are a leader in a religion. None of that makes a person spiritual. It is all external manifestation of behaviour, not spirituality. You are not in a position to know what their purpose is. People have been misled by spiritual leaders before, and will be again. Many have also learned things of great value from those with no apparent education.

You are all connected to source and to each other. You will see the same amount of spiritual awareness in another as you have of yourself. By judging another, you judge yourself. If you perceive someone as 'not spiritual' in that moment, neither are you.... If you look at someone else and see that their spiritual awareness is greater than yours, yours will be great in that moment. Not one of you has any more or less value than another, from the billionare to the beggar in the street. You are all giving something to each other and you are all receiving from each other. But both the giving and the receiving are according to your level of awareness and judgement, your level of connection.

Connection and disconnection have nothing to do with how spiritual you are, but it can evolve your spirituality as you practice being connected. Lets look at how this works. When you are disconnected, you will experience feelings of depressed, being limited, tired, anxious, fearful, anger, frustration, etc. When you are connected you will have feelings of joy, expansion, compassion, love, tolerance, forgiveness, awareness, and more. If you see someone that you feel if less fortunate that you begging on the street, from your disconnected state, you might feel guilty, disgust, repulsion and anger which is triggered by that person being there. But these are still your emotions, and the gift that that person has given you is that you recognise that you are disconnected in that moment. If you see them from your connected state, you can still see what they represent and you will not have any negative reactions to them. Instead you could even send them love and compassion for their life choices and situation without being spat out of your connection. By seeing another through the eyes of connection there is an offering and a gift of energy given, and you feel good and they feel good.

As within, so without. We do for others, and we do for ourselves.

Be in a state of grace within, and it will translate into the world...”

About Your Purpose

About your purpose...

You have more than a single purpose. Your main purpose is to experience this physical dimension, which you are all doing. What you are calling your purpose is your desire to find meaning in your lives. We have said it before, you are searching for connection. Connection to other people, to make a difference to them, to bring clarity to them of their worthiness. Connection to your stream so that you can feel the clarity of your worthiness.

The truth is, the majority of the people are not happy with the way their lives are unfolding for them, yet they are not prepared to look at what they may be doing to perpetuate their own unhappiness. They want someone else to make a change in them, for them, so that it's easy and they don't have to do anything. And while that may work momentarily, it is not long lasting. It is why healing doesn't last. Because the only person who has any power in your life is you! You are the one who can effect long lasting change in your own life. Sometimes it is difficult when your mind is rigid, but it is always possible.

Most people need a tragedy or a life threatening illness to begin their journey. But there is really no need for your life experience to get to that point. You can start now, from a place of ease and then just keep going until you fill your potential. Don't worry, that will take a very very long time.

If you are one who is struggling in your life experience, it is not helpful to beat yourself up over it either. All of your life will have provided you with experiences, some good and some not so good. Aren't the good times more sweet because of the contrast that the not so good times provided?

We encourage you not to live in the past with regret at how you could have done something better. Rather be present with the experience and accept it for the learning that occurred at the time that you had the experience. If you hadn't learned anything, you wouldn't have any regrets. Bring awareness to the learning.

We want to remind you that you chose experiences when you came here. You may have chosen to experience loss, or victim-hood but you also chose to experience joy and love and to transcend all the limitations of the physical dimension. You all do that. If you can feel joy in spite of loss, you have learned something valuable. If you can love in the midst of victim-hood, you have transcended the limits of that experience. You can be passionate and fulfilled regardless of your situation.

We know that there is much unhappiness when you go through your daily routine and you feel that you have no choice. When you feel like you are operating on automatic and that there is something better out there that you can't have. Everything changes when you realize that you are the chooser of your own reality, and this is the life you have chosen for yourself. Just that knowledge can change the way you move through your day. You can do the same things but with the realization that you did indeed choose this, and you could experience so much more satisfaction and fulfillment in your life. If you come to the realization that if you don't like it, you can change it.

If there is one thing we could encourage you to do that will make all the difference to you in the way that you experience your lives, it would be to practice presence. If you do this one thing, many things will change.

BBA - A Journey to Self Discovery

4th June 2015

BBA is a catalyst for self change. The first three levels of the work clears charges of energy that are related to your ego, your feelings judgement and your consciousness of victim / perpetrator. These characteristics are out of alignment with the eternal consciousness of love and compassion that the evolved conscious human is moving towards. There are many judgements that you carry within your beliefs. Once the work begins, many will come up for examination. We encourage you to become present with the experience of these energies, which are just shadows of things that have passed, and to have full awareness that you have the power to heal throughout all time, incarnations and full genetic line. Moving into the future you will have evolved.

The first three levels are about re-coding and changing your internal consciousness. They feel like hard work, and are tiring for 2 reasons. Firstly, you are not used to the new levels of frequencies that are being integrated into your being. Secondly, the ego fights to save its life. If love and compassion is where you are headed, then there is no place for the ego. All the suffering and hardship you have been through was for nothing. The human ego does not like that. It will hold on to your suffering for as long as it can, giving value to something that robs you of power.

The next two levels are about expanding a new way of being outwards into the collective consciousness of humans, and then through all dimensions, timelines and incarnations of yourself. These are the levels that feel like pure love and joy. They give you the experience of connection to your stream of well-being and to the collective.

Socrates said, “Know thyself.” The key to understanding the events that are showing up in your life begins with understanding what is going on inside you, mentally and emotionally. Even the molecular structure of your biology is reacting to how you feel and what you think.

You have heard of the phrase - what you resist persists. But do you actually know what that means? Until you know something at a cellular level, you don't know it at all. You can hear the words and think you know their meaning, but you can’t know it fully until you feel it through your heart… We would ask you why you choose fear over love? We can see in your coding that you have been programmed that way. It can be changed.

Every answer you have ever searched for is inside of you. 

BBA is designed to help you to discover your self.